The body lift procedure is designed to improve the shape and tone by removing excess skin and the underlying fat.

Several people report losing significant weight with exercise, diet and/or bariatric surgery, but feel disappointed to see stubborn fat deposits and sagging skin in numerous body parts, particularly around the lower abdomen. Hence, they feel frustrated in some point and disappointed for their body shape and how difficult is to find right fitting clothes. Body lift is a very effective solution to this problem.

Besides removing the excess fat and sagging skin, a body lift procedure also repairs an irregular and dimpled skin surface. The procedure is usually performed in the areas of buttocks, abdomen and thighs.


During the consultation, Dr. Soteriou will listen to your concerns and goals regarding your body shape and he will explain that a full body lift is ideal for those looking to treat the abdomen, thighs and buttocks and can be performed in either a single operation or in stages according to the extend of your problem. In a body lift, the abdominoplasty incision is extended all the way around your lower torso, allowing Dr. Soteriou to tighten the muscles of the buttocks and lifts the thighs while performing an abdominoplasty.


The procedure is performed at American Medical Center under general anesthesia and you might stay overnight. 

Recovery depends to the extend of the procedure and compression garments will be necessary for a period of one month. Avoiding exercise and lifting of heavy things is recommended and walking is encouraged after surgery. However, further exercise is not recommended until sufficient healing has occurred.

Results are visible almost immediately, but final results may take several months. Final results are almost permanent, however excessive weight gain or pregnancy might affect them.