Breast Reduction


Patients with excessively large and heavy breasts usually suffer from neck, back, and shoulder pain. The goal of breast reduction surgery is not only to improve or eliminate these symptoms but also to improve the size and shape of the breasts.

Breast reduction can be performed after breast development is complete. Young women may elect to have breast surgery prior to having children. Breast Reduction surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed, this point will be discussed at your consultation.


During the consultation, you will be asked about your desired breast shape and size. Dr. Soteriou will spend as much time as necessary to make you feel completely comfortable about your decision and answer all of your questions.


Breast reduction is performed at American Medical Center under general anesthesia with an overnight stay in the hospital. After surgery you will go home with the surgical bra and you will be permitted to shower the day after.

You will be instructed to wear a surgical bra for a month. Patients typically return to work after a week. You will be instructed to wear the surgical bra for a month.

Patients typically return to their normal daily activities few days after surgery. However, you will need to restrict any strenuous activity for a week and there will be no lifting anything over 5-10 Kg for the first 2 weeks. Gym is restricted for 4 weeks.