Burns are one of the many forms of injuries that plastic surgeons treat and should be treated immediately to protect and prevent any complications.

The seriousness of burn injury is determined by:

  • How much of the body is burned
  • How deeply the skin has been burned
  • The general health and age of the burned person

Fortunately most burns are minor and require first aid, dressings and follow up every couple of a days.

If not treated properly, functional and aesthetic consequences could be disastrous.

Severe and extensive burns need specialized treatment and should be hospitalized.

During consultation, Dr. Soteriou will evaluate your burn injury and he will provide you with the appropriate treatment in order to minimize pain and have the best possible recovery.

In case of an older burn injury with functional and aesthetic burn scars, Dr. Soteriou will evaluate your condition, he will listen to your concerns and he will spend as much time as necessary to make you feel comfortable. Treatment for burn scars include excision of burn scars and reconstruction with skin grafts, local flaps or tissue expanders.

The procedure is performed at American Medical Center. Minor cases can be performed under local anesthesia, more extensive burn scars need to be operated under general anesthesia and an overnight stay might be needed.

Recovery depends on the procedure performed and Dr. Soteriou will inform you about recovery period during the consultation time.